These amazing facts about chocolate will blow your mind

Chocolate is one of the world’s most favorite sweets. No matter where you go, this food is sold and enjoyed. In fact, it’s estimated that over 7 million tons of chocolate is bought per year. There are dozens of reasons why we love this food, from its sweet taste, to the way it makes us feel. For example, did you know that chocolate actually changes brain activity when eaten. It’s true. Believe it or not it can actually induce a feeling of relaxation and happiness. This is just one of the many reasons why we love chocolate. In addition to this, here are some more fascinating facts about chocolate.
These amazing facts about chocolate will blow your mind

10 things you probably didn’t know about chocolate

1. Chocolate contains caffeine

Like coffee, chocolate also contains a fair amount of caffeine. That being said, it’s a lot less than you think. For example, your average candy bar contains around 6mg of caffeine, which is about as much as you’d find in a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

2. Chocolate doesn’t cause acne

Despite what many people think, eating chocolate won’t actually make you break out in spots. Chocolate will not affect your skin, no matter how much you eat. According to Doctors, acne is mostly caused by hormones and isn’t really affected by diet.

3. Chocolate uses most of the world almonds

A whopping 40% of all almonds produced go towards making chocolate. What’s more, around one fifth of the world’s peanut production is used in chocolate.

4. Napoleon loved chocolate

The French emperor was a massive fan of this treat. It’s said that he always carried a chocolate bar with him, which he would eat when feeling tired.

5. Pets don’t like chocolate

Everyone knows you shouldn’t feed chocolate to pets, but why is this. As it turns out, chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats and dogs.

6. Chocolate is good for your teeth

It’s a common misconception that chocolate is bad for your teeth. The truth is that tooth decay is caused by bacteria which turn sugar into acid. Chocolate has antibacterial agents, which means it isn’t actually as bad for your teeth as some people think.

7. Chocolate was used as money

The ancient Aztecs loved chocolate so much that at one stage they began using cacao beans as a type of currency.

8. Cacao trees live forever

The cacao tree have an incredibly long lifespan. These trees can survive for up to around 200 years. Unfortunately, they only produce beans for about 25 years of their life.

9. Hot chocolate was the first treat made with chocolate

Believe it or not, hot chocolate came before chocolate bars. This drink was first brewed in the Aztec empire, and was primarily consumed at weddings.

10. Like coffee, cocoa beans are roasted

Part of the chocolate making process includes roasting the beans. There’s an important reason why we do this. These beans contain pathogens which can harm your health. Roasting the beans also helps to give chocolate its distinctive flavor.

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